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Transforming underprivileged women with micro skills and soft skills
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Transforming underprivileged women with micro skills and soft skills
Why do we need to empower women?
Underprivileged. It is a word that comes to mind when we think about those that are worse off in life. People who are not favored by fortune. People who are uneducated and have had access to fewer opportunities in life. But oftentimes, a person’s privileges aren’t all that black and white.
According to the NGO, Initiative for What Works to Advance Women and Girls in the Economy (IWWAGE)’s, survey quoted on Business Insider India, the support for under-privileged women to be financially independent and contributing is evident. 84% of the families surveyed from the Anganwadi hubs are supportive of their women and 72% stated that they would be encouraged in travelling outside their homes for training programs. What’s more, there’s a drive among women themselves, with over 77% of them intending to start small businesses to financially support their families.
However, the issue becomes more complex when we see that the biggest obstacles that cut their dreams short are domestic responsibilities as mothers and sisters, a lack of clear business ideas, as well as a lack of access to seed capital.
When we get to revising the definition of ‘unprivileged women’, we realize that these are women, who although uneducated, and originating from socially backward communities, are just as competent as any other women, but only differ in the sense of facing a unique set of challenges.
March 8th of every year, we celebrate ‘Women Empowerment Day’, better known as ‘International Women’s Day’, a day on which we recognize the journey that is yet to be traveled and changes that need to be made for all Indian women to be able to access the same opportunities and reap success from their lives. The need for women’s empowerment has never been clearer and has shown the potential for women’s economic empowerment to lead to change.
What are macro and micro skills?
In general, macro skills are the largest skill sets that are utilized in a particular context, for example, they are considered to be reading, writing, speaking, and listening. On the other hand, micro-skills are smaller and more individual skills used within a specific area of practice. For example, as an entrepreneur, they may be customer support, product design, digital marketing, operations management, etc.
There are even micro skills within the macro skills, for example, micro skills for speaking are producing clear, audible sounds, and using voice inflections and stress to draw attention to particular words. In reading, the micro skills are the memory of vital parts of a body of text, skimming through text to obtain the main idea, and being actively aware of the use of language to convey varied meanings. In communication, micro skills might be silence, empathy, and non-verbal communication.
Understanding their meanings shows us that these two types of skills show us the breadth and depth of a person’s knowledge through work experience and learning, and are vital in building a person’s profile.
How are hard skills different from soft skills?
Another way of looking at skills is hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are skills that are taught face-to-face, particularly because they are physical skills, and they are specific to an industry or economic sector. Some examples of this are SEO marketing, computer coding, and prototyping, and they are often learned through training, hands-on experience, or through education.
Soft skills, on the other hand, are non-industry specific, and intangible skills, or interpersonal attributes, are skills that develop naturally without intervention and most importantly, determine how well a person is able to succeed with other peers in the workplace or school. Examples of general soft skills include leadership, communication, and time management.
In the workplace, some of the top soft skills needed to excel are an optimistic attitude, proficient communication in terms of both listening and speaking and a strong work ethic in terms of sticking to deadlines and being diligent with work and responsibility. For students, the soft skills slightly vary, taking into account resilience, a sense of responsibility, and problem-solving.
Another strong differentiator between hard and soft skills is that the level of a person’s hard skills can be measured in terms of numerical value, but soft skills are more difficult to categorize because they are developed in many shapes and forms.
How can underprivileged women develop skills?
Skill development is a vital tool in instilling in underprivileged women, the macro and micro, as well as hard and soft skills in transforming under-privileged women from sole participation in their homes, to being equipped with the skills and resources in order to be able to successfully land jobs, access financial services and buy property, all aspirations of current underprivileged women. Their participation in the economy is crucial to greater stability in the world, earning income to develop their local economies, setting a path for poverty reduction, as well as diminish gender inequality.
Women’s skills development organizations and women’s empowerment training organizations are the foundation in bridging the current market and its needs for underprivileged women seeking to better themselves, their families, and their communities by participating in it. During COVID-19, there was an influx in need for informal, digital work, as many businesses and offices had shut down. Women who had been previously trained, especially in leveraging technology were able to seize this opportunity, communicating with clients online, and using e-payment methods to facilitate transactions.
Why should you donate to Ebendavid Charities?
We, at Ebendavid Charities, are an NGO from Tamil Nadu who have had experience in empowering financially vulnerable women so that they can lead more independent lives on their own terms. One of our initiatives called the UpSkill Center, is aimed at providing skill development courses and training for unemployed, and underprivileged women, irrespective of their caste, religion, or colour.
In addition to enabling women to be active members of our economy, we encourage them to make a positive impact on their families and communities to bring the next generation of women and girls closer to financial freedom and a sense of confidence in them.
On 13/04/2023 Micro skill program was conducted in Thandalam village for a batch of 15 beneficiaries. The Batch was trained to produce Chemical products using the raw material. The products are as follows Soap Oil, Soap Powder, Phenyl, Candel
By donating Rs. 2000 per month only, you support our work in running our Upskill centers and creating change, one community at a time.
Medical Camps in Rural Areas Improves Quality of Life for the Under-privileged
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Medical Camps in Rural Areas Improve Quality of Life for the Under-privileged
When one thinks of rural India, One might picture farmers toiling away on green pastures, children playing hopscotch on a small school ground, or women carrying pots of water atop their heads in a straight line. Although these people live much simpler lives than ours, these lives are often short. According to data from 2015-2019, on average, rural Indians live for 68.3 years, compared to urban who live up to 73. That is a wide gap of 4.7 years. And remember, this is just an average.
What are the main health issues in rural India?
Life expectancy is limited because of family history and poor health conditions. Some of the significant health issues gripping rural India are diseases that are often contagious, infectious, and waterborne. Some examples of these are diarrhea, worm infestations, tuberculosis, and respiratory infections, being the major causes of death in this population.
Working conditions are often another determining factor in health issues. According to an article by the MacArthur Foundation, after having experienced the economic boom of the COVID-19 pandemic, rural individuals would like to see a change in their workplace. Starting with a large difference between daily wages in states such as Madhya Pradesh (INR 193) and Haryana (INR 350), which must be solved by paying employees regularly and on time.
On the other hand, some rural place asset creation on a higher pedestal than wages. They wish to participate in government schemes that offer some means of generating their own personal assets, like rainwater harvesting systems for farmers, who would benefit from the free, increased water resource to utilize in irrigation. These schemes could aid individuals in seeking long-term increases in their incomes, by increasing efficiency and reducing their operating costs, preventing them from future financial burdens that might reduce their chances of paying hospital bills.
Positive and Negative Consequences of COVID-19 on Rural Healthcare
Due to the consequences of the pandemic, employers who usually employ informal labor, preferred to hire younger, male employees between ages 18 and 40. For this to change, there must be greater acceptance among employers who employ informal labor and must be more accepting of older, and female employees to fill their job vacancies, including a higher proportion of recruited applicants being women, migrants, and people with disabilities (special needs). This allows more individuals to be able to financially support their spouse and children, as well as afford basic healthcare services.
The onset of COVID did lead to more health education and awareness programs across schools and communities, such as FMC, which partnered with ARDEA to run a daily television episode over 20 days, educating the rural communities. Titled ‘COVID-Free Village’, the episodes featured medical experts who debunked myths about the infectious disease, providing information about COVID, and answered any viewers’ questions and worries through Livestream.
Such community empowerment methods were drastic measures to keep hospitalizations from this disease at bay, revealing the work that has yet to be done in terms of access to basic healthcare centers and accurate healthcare information, which are the top barriers to health in rural areas.
What happens in a medical camp and how are they conducted?
The definition of a health camp or medical camp is to screen all patients in a village, dispense health-related information, distribute medicine for common ailments, additionally referring individuals to get surgery or treatment at hospitals for serious conditions.
Medical camps are organized by several doctors, such as general physicians or specialists on certain diseases along with nurses to help them carry out their consultations and procedures. They carry a variety of medical drugs depending on the common occurrence of a particular disease within a community. Instruments are vital in their operation, and they range from basic cotton and disposable needles to ECG (Electrocardiogram) and BP (Blood Pressure) machines.
Some examples of types of health camps are such as those for incurable diseases like chronic skin conditions, stress camps that prevent stress as a factor that prolongs disease, as well as fitness camps that educate obese and malnourished individuals to exercise alongside consuming nutrient-rich portions of food.
Free health check-up camps and medical camps, as their names suggest, offer services that are free of cost to people who might benefit from them, being the individuals of rural communities. Expenses are covered by donations to NGOs, who usually organize them across several villages in various districts.
What are the benefits of attending a health check-up camp?
The main benefits to villagers who attend these medical camps are that doctors and professionals will be able to identify early signs of diseases and prevent them from developing into serious complications. They provide high-quality health care that usually varies between different healthcare institutions, as well as work with their patients to build a better, more disease-resilient community that can make long-term changes to their living standards and lifestyles.
What are the main government health programs implemented in rural India?
Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health, abbreviated as RMNCH+A, is a healthcare program launched by the Indian Government to help empower women to regulate their fertility, pregnancy, and childbirth safely, increasing successful childbirth and survival of mother and child. It particularly focuses on women being able to access health care services as early as possible as well as interventions for defects at birth.
Another program is Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana, shortened to PMSSY, which focuses on smoothening out regional imbalances and inequalities with regard to accessing health care as well as aiming to improve the quality of medical education by setting up institutions like AIIMS and upgrading existing government medical colleges. The goal of PMSSY is to increase the number of super-specialties that students can pursue and more seats for admitting students
Finally, how can you sponsor a medical camp in India?
We, Ebendavid Charities, are a proud NGO in Tamil Nadu that rise up to challenges faced by the communities that we serve and offer a helping hand. We just conducted a free medical camp at Kanchivayal village in January of this year by partnering with medical professionals from the nearby A.C.S Hospital, with humble volunteers helping the disabled and elderly to access the camp services.
By donating to us, you not only help us continue conducting medical camps in the future, but you will also support needy individuals from rural communities who lack access to basic, high-quality healthcare. We appreciate your contributions.
Computer education and soft skills for the rural youth transform them to compete with city youth
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Computer education and soft skills for the rural youth transform them to compete with city youth
An Introduction To Urbanisation
Urbanization is rapidly changing the demography and landscape of cities and villages, bridging them closer, and at an unprecedented rate. This fast-paced, evolving environment has the greatest impact on rural youth, who are expected to keep up with technological advancements, all the while becoming accustomed to potential professional careers in the city. With competition from city youth who have access to infrastructure and resources to gain knowledge and learn skills, the rural youth are often left out of the equation. Read more to see how you can make an impact in changing that.
The Main Causes of Urbanisation
Defined as ‘the population shift from rural to urban areas, the corresponding decrease in the proportion of people living in rural areas, and the ways in which societies adapt to this change, urbanization is a crucial factor that drives economic growth. This idea is supported in a blog post by LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science) which refers to this phenomenon through a phrase, ‘agglomeration economies’, which relates to the advantages of people and businesses being located next to each other. The people provide the vital human capital required for businesses to survive and expand, and businesses that provide necessary and quality goods and services to the people.
One of the three main causes of urbanization is industrialization. As societies become increasingly modernized, it attracts a talented pool of workers from around the country looking for better employment outcomes and the ability to make an impact. One interesting graph from the article establishes the well-known fact of urban areas usually has higher productivity levels compared to other areas. It shows that individuals situated amongst some of the brightest individuals in their industry, benefit from a ‘knowledge spillover’ that causes them to become smarter themselves.
Another reason is commercialization. Statistics by Down To Earth reveal that there is a higher percentage of self-employed people in rural areas than in urban areas (roughly fifty-four percent compared to just fifty-one). This entrepreneurial drive is key to rural youth looking to establish their family businesses in the city where the delivery of products and marketing tactics are both efficient and famous.
Social benefits and services are the third and most important part of this shift. The opportunity for access to better education, healthcare, housing, and sanitation are human rights and needs that many of the privileged often take for granted.
Need For Rural Youth Transformation
DDU-GKY, also known as Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana, is a program created by the Ministry of Rural Development to focus particularly on transforming the lives of rural youth aged 15-35 coming from low-income households. Their goal is to cater to the career aspirations of these youth with help from partners, to guide them to land jobs internationally.
As many cities across India, such as Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Chennai, are becoming information and technology capitals, the National Board of Computer Education Skill India was created in 2015 to better equip the current generation in rural areas. Their aim is to provide computer education to all – from job-seekers to average adults – to digitalize their lives. Offering computer courses that can last between 3 months to 3 years, they provide specialized training and certification on topics ranging from HTML and coding to 3D modeling and desktop publishing.
What are the basic computer skills for beginners?
Computer skills can be learned on an individual basis as well with some examples of basic computer skills are Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, in addition to new skills that have recently gained popularity such as social media marketing and video conferencing. Some basic IT skills include drafting and emailing clients, maintaining a company’s security and privacy, and search engine optimization (SEO), with advanced skills being cybersecurity and network management.
Resumes are often the first point of contact between a potential candidate for a vacant job role and an employer and are expected to keep up with current expectations of being digitally capable. While programmers are sought for their experience in creating websites and applications using particular programming languages such as Java, Ruby, or Python, regular individuals must showcase their eagerness of learning new IT and computer skills and their successful achievement in leveraging the skills to a real-life workplace scenario.
What are the 7 major soft skills?
Soft skills have become more relevant to today’s society given the digital transformation across cities and communities, which has rendered most unable to communicate effectively and clearly with peers and colleagues. Some examples of soft skills include decision-making, time and stress management, teamwork, and problem-solving.
Reason that soft skills are important because they especially help entrepreneurs in being able to find, attract and retain customers, and regular professionals in the workplace with their career advancements.
‘Can soft skills be learned’ is a question that is often asked because of the fact that they are intangible skills that come seemingly naturally for some, and after many tries for others. Soft skills can be taught and learned after proper identification of weaknesses of individual post skills and personality tests.
By being open to constructive feedback (or criticism) as well as decisions to change individual, instinctive behavior, you can learn soft skills. Just like hard skills, however, there must be practice, dedication, and a beginner’s growth mindset that can help individuals persist in the face of failure until the skill becomes second nature.
How Ebendavid Charities Can Help
With our UpSkill Centre, we help poverty-stricken individuals from poor family backgrounds in pursuing a training or skill-based learning course in computers, instilling skills with common accounting software as well as basic programming.
Our soft skill training is incorporated into our Tailoring Training Centre, as well as our Micro Skill Training Program, which teaches patience and an eye-to-detail as well as collaboration and communication when creating a piece of clothing or learning to make washing powder from scratch.
By donating Rs 2000 per month or a one-off amount of Rs 10,000, you can help us, Ebendavid Charities, in our mission of empowering the rural youth for their future. We are grateful for your contributions.
Skill development for an unskilled woman transforms the entire family
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Skill development for an unskilled woman transforms the entire family
Women’s role in Life and Society
A woman’s role in life is to be the architect of society, and their role in society today is to be a part of the powerhouse for economic growth and development. While this is the motto, the reality, however, is that women, 50% of the world’s population, are simply under-utilized and undervalued in their potential to bring change.
In India’s young and booming population, 45% of women aged 15-29 are not part of any education, employment, or training, compared to just 6.5% of men. And when it comes to certain sectors of the economy, women are largely under-represented. Today, the role of women in life excludes them from being a part of infrastructure, healthcare, automotive, and information technology jobs, with this trend extending to the top leadership positions in businesses where a meager 4.7% of women held the roles of CEO in India in 2021.
What is the solution to the gender gap problem? Re-skilling and upskilling.
Skill Development Programs
The meaning of re-skilling is the process of learning new skills to do an entirely different job from the current one, while upskilling is learning new skills to add to pre-existing ones. Skill development, from those that are technical, such as learning computer programming, to entrepreneurial skills, such as setting up a sole trading business, is vital in the journey to empower women, with mentors of these programs being equally important, along with the network of individuals participating in it.
One such example of a skill development program on a national level is Skill India, which is also known as the National Skills Development Mission of India. It is a campaign created by Prime Minister Modi in 2015 to transform the lives of 40 crore individuals in various industry-related careers to create a strong, empowered workforce through skill development training courses and schemes. One of the ways that this skill development program stood out from others, was that they wanted to reduce poverty in the nation, as well as instill competencies rather than qualifications.
Impact of Women’s Skill Development
Women’s skill development is a method of improving a woman’s household’s capacity, autonomy, and employability, and provides the independence that they need to have free mobility. As stated by Devalt, ‘skill is the bridge between job and workforce’ and for women to participate in it, there must be a greater range of courses provided to specifically target them, especially courses that enable them to break into typically male-dominated fields, which require analytical, logical reasoning and inference skills, where pay is higher and jobs are more secure.
UNESCO believes that skill development is essential for women’s empowerment, by using education as a tool to serve this. According to their research, there are still millions of girls who should be in school but aren’t, and adolescent girls are found to be the most vulnerable to conflict, poverty, and discrimination. They also support life-long learning, a type of self-initiated education focussing on personal development. Examples of this are internships and apprenticeships, both of which help teach real-life skills to apply in the workplace. Internships are short-term stints that involve the individual applying their skills to complete a task, while apprenticeships last much longer and involve more classroom-based learning where individuals have the opportunity to shadow a senior member and learn alongside them, working towards a professional qualification that can help land a full-time job.
Reasons for Lifelong Learning
Furthermore, this lifelong type of learning aids in individuals feeling fulfilled and connected on a personal level, increasing their chances of meeting skill requirements in job descriptions and succeeding at a job on a professional level.
Since life-long learning is incredibly beneficial, why isn’t it all the more common? The reason is that its informal learning environment means that families that have a poor culture of learning, challenges such as dyslexia (which increases the difficulty of reading and speaking coherently), or simply low self-esteem, make it unlikely for women to sustainably continue educating themselves.
This is why skill development also serves a secondary role – the role of offering the sustainable development of skills, through an encouraging environment that boosts individual confidence. By keeping a smart company that is knowledgeable in a field, as well as starting a personal venture or project of their own, women are more likely to remain interested in a topic and continue pursuing it within and beyond it for the rest of their lives this way.
Lack of Resources for Rural Women
However, there is still a major barrier to entry – one that sets the hurdle higher for some women than others – which happens to be the place they were born.
Rural women in India are disproportionately disadvantaged by their lack of resources, and confinement to gender norms, which keeps them continuing to work in low-paying jobs. They lack literacy and field knowledge, preventing them from seeking better opportunities and job progression in the city.
SEWA, which is the Self-Employed Women’s Association, is the largest organization of informal workers in the world, which promotes the rights of low-income, independently-employed female workers. Its members don’t want charity – they want immediate work, and this voice was no louder than during the pandemic when hundreds of its members lost their livelihoods and often had to cut down on spending, such as by removing their children from school. Women play vital roles in the agricultural industry and form the backbone of rural economies. Because of a lack of job security, they often don’t have any other source of income to sustain themselves.
This is why we, Ebendavid Charities, encourage you to donate to fund our UpSkill Center, a center specifically designed to teach skills and courses for ladies, that has a tremendous impact on local areas in Tamil Nadu, transforming the lives of nearly 48 families a year.
As a student, you may get involved in volunteering for us, by sharing any skills you know and would like to teach underprivileged women, such as tailoring, MS Office, tally software, and computer training.
Please consider donating Rs. 2,000 a month or Rs. 10,000 for a one-time payment to help us set up and manage our UpSkill Centers. We work tirelessly with our Village/Slum Partners to ensure that the women who benefited from it are from low-income backgrounds and our dedicated Field Officer regularly assesses the skills of both the teacher and the students. We and the women you are financially supporting will be greatly indebted to you. Thank you.
Feed the Hungry Children by Sponsoring a One Time Meal
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Feed the Hungry Children by Sponsoring a One-Time Meal
True Definition of Hunger
When asked What is Hunger? ” we seem to immediately think about the days when we skipped out on breakfast and arrived at work or school with a poor temperament. The hunger we are talking about is much more serious. It is a global issue – defined by Wikipedia as “the condition in which a person does not have the physical or financial capability to eat sufficient food to meet basic nutritional needs for a sustained period”. No matter who you are and where you come from, you will have experienced this hunger, through documentaries, posters raising awareness about hunger, and even people in metropolitan areas begging for food. Access to food, which is a human right, the lack of which is still the number 1 cause of death in the world.
According to 2021 statistics on world hunger:
- 828 million people starved in 2021, which was significantly higher than 778 million, a year prior, as stated in a world hunger article by the World Health Organization
- Between 8,000 and 15,000 people died due to hunger per day (Oxfam, 2021)
World hunger statistics in 2022 point out that nearly 10% of the world population is starving, and an NHS report says that over 20 crore Indians go to sleep with an empty stomach every day.
To help analyze the affected population, we can use the Global Hunger Index (or GHI) as a way to measure hunger nationally, regionally, and globally. In 2021, GHI showed that 47 countries have extremely alarming, alarming, or serious levels of hunger. India’s hunger index ranks as a ‘serious’ level of hunger, joining countries such as Venezuela, Iraq, and Nigeria with the index (Global Hunger Index, 2021). As some food for thought, here are 10 facts about world hunger you can read on that make clear why world hunger is a problem.
Reasons For Global Hunger
We cannot blame any one reason as the culprit of world hunger, since the world collectively agreed to Sustainable Development Goal (or SDG) 2, in 2015, which aims to achieve zero hunger by 2030. However, a common pattern can be noticed throughout our history. At the height of any global conflict or recession, there is an increase in poverty, and therefore hunger.
Take for example the financial crisis of 2008-09, which took place roughly the same time as the 2007-08 world food price crisis. In that period, food prices skyrocketed, the reasons for which are often cited to be major droughts (climate events) in wheat-producing countries, as well as a surge in oil prices (human events due to supply and demand, that consequently increased the price of fertilizers and food transportation). In 2022, food scarcity can once again be attributed to two common factors like the 2009 crisis: a human event (the spread of COVID-19 and the Ukraine-Russia war) and a climate event (crop failure due to climate change).
Food scarcity during world disasters, including natural and man-made, causes shocks in the economy to persist years after crises are alleviated. The reasons for food scarcity in the modern world are usually not due to the under-production of food (as most people might think), but rather due to the uneven distribution of food. This problem directly correlates to unequal wealth distribution, characteristic of almost any capitalist society today, limiting access to the impoverished and therefore reducing their means to afford that food. Here is a link to a food scarcity essay by StudyCorgi to help you understand the matter.
In these scenarios, the famous saying “the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer” would be applicable, leading to the vicious cycle of poverty – a phenomenon in which the impoverished remain forever impoverished, due to reduced economic development opportunities and poor physical and mental health, which render them trapped in this ‘cycle’. During the pandemic, India bore the brunt of food scarcity in the world, as seen through a Hunger Watch survey conducted between December 2021 and January 2022. 79% of households across 14 Indian states said that they faced some form of food insecurity, with 60% of them worried about not having sufficient food to sustain themselves.
Hunger in India is unselective, and exists amongst states from different parts of the country, with the hungriest Indian state being Madhya Pradesh, followed by Jharkhand, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Orissa, and Karnataka.
Long-term Solutions to Hunger
The Green Revolution was implemented across regions in the Global South during the 1960s after World War II and was set to ensure that food scarcity would not be due to the under-production of food. It established modern agricultural standards such as growing high-yielding crops, agrochemicals to boost plant growth, and mechanization to increase efficiency during planting and harvesting. It was one of the first major solutions to end world hunger that lead to a widespread reduction in poverty and a new economic sector to support job opportunities with higher incomes. Later in 2012, the Food Assistance Convention was set up as a treaty signed by 14 signatories and 17 party members that promised to improve the international ability to immediately respond to food emergencies and improve nutrition levels among the most affected populations.
Commonly seen solutions to achieve zero hunger across countries include soup kitchens (which originated from the Great Depression; involve volunteers dispensing soup and bread to the poor) and food shelters (often organized in widely accessible places where people can donate food to be distributed among the poor).
Sustainable agriculture is a growing interest among Indian farmers and consumers to meet the need for food security in India, and as stated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is a “base for economic success”. The efforts for economic development through the spirit of the people are being led in “Amrit Kaal”, a period mentioned by the Prime Minister to be a time of new ventures by its people. Natural farming schemes such as the ‘Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Scheme’ created 30,000 clusters to benefit farmers while the ‘Namami Gange’ project aims to create a natural farming region along the Ganges River. (Business Standard, 2022)
How You Can Contribute To Our Effort
“Every small act makes a difference”, therefore you should strive to participate in charitable activities for the benefit of the poor and needy, regardless of color or religion. This is a vision of Ebendavid Charities, a Tamil Nadu NGO and charitable organization in India. When you ask yourself “How can I help end world hunger?”, you must remember that local organizations such as Ebendavid, are the ones making the most personal impact.
Last year, we celebrated our 15th anniversary in feeding the hungry in what has been a long journey since 2007 to lend a helping hand to those in distress. Whether it was distributing flood relief packages to affected parts of Tamil Nadu, or giving biscuits to hungry children in Kanchipuram that were funded by kind donations, we won’t stop until the next generation who are living on the streets are fed and happy.
By paying a minimum of Rs 50, you can sponsor a child’s one-time meal.
We welcome you to join us by donating as much as you can to feed hungry children in Tamil Nadu, because hungry children fail to perform so many crucial activities that are important in a child’s life which are things most people take for granted – learning at school, maintaining a healthy weight and height, and being able to develop their cognitive abilities.
These healthy habits depend on their ability to access and eat food.
Since our donation link is online, you can donate a kind sum of money from anywhere. Please scan the QR code on the image above or click on this link to donate. Ebendavid Charities and the hungry children you will feed sincerely appreciate your generosity.
Why Child Education is Important?
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Why Child Education is Important?
Child Education plan
Why Child Education is important? Children are the nation’s future & tomorrow’s citizens. Those citizens should be educated to make them responsible for their nation
India is the second most populous country in the world where 39% of the population consists of children and, since the country’s future is relay on children hence; their education is of primary importance for every nation.
The country has reached a stage in its economic and technical development when a major effort must be made to derive the maximum benefit from the assets already created and to ensure that the fruits of change reach all sections and education is the highway to that goal.
Did you know 65% of the parents spend more than half of their annual income on the education of their child and extra-curricular activities? It is important to understand the importance of good education in India.
India is rapidly moving towards a society where the gap between rich and poor is widening. A good education can be a foot in the door for your child to start earning a good livelihood and more importantly not become a liability on your earnings when you need your earnings for your retirement.
Child Education scheme In India
In the “PM-CARES for Children” scheme, the Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement that fixed deposits will be opened in the names of such children, and the PM-CARES fund will contribute through a specially designed scheme to create a corpus of Rs 10 lakh for each of them when he or she reaches 18 years of age.
Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana is a Small Savings Scheme of the Government of India meant exclusively for a girl child. The scheme is meant to meet the education and marriage expenses of a girl child. Only ONE account can be opened in the name of a girl child (who is a resident Indian citizen) either in the Post Office or in authorized commercial Banks.
An Account under these rules shall be opened for a maximum of two girl children in one family under normal conditions. The account can be opened by a guardian on behalf of a minor girl child of age 0 to 10. The birth certificate of the girl child in whose name the account is opened must be obtained.
Minimum contribution Rs.250/- and Maximum contribution Rs.150000/- per annum. A contribution of up to Rs. 1.5 lakh qualifies for income tax deduction under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. The entire maturity amount of the Sukanya Samrridhi Scheme and the interest earned is non-taxable.
Deposits in an account may be made till the completion of fifteen years from the date of opening of the account. The account shall mature on completion of 21 (twenty-one) years from the date of opening of the account.
Interest at the rate, of 7.6%(as per GOI notification dated 30.12.2020) Premature withdrawal and closure are allowed under certain conditions. The account is transferable from one Bank to another Bank or Post office.
Parents these days have to invest an amount in their child’s education as per the saying “Your child will keep building castles in the air; you better start buying bricks for those castles today”. Getting a good child education insurance plan in India is one such obligation; in fact, the most important one.
Child Education importance
Early childhood education is an important time in children’s lives it is a time period from a child’s birth to when they enter kindergarten because it is when they first learn how to interact with others, including peers, teachers, and parents, and also begin to develop interests that will stay with them throughout their lives.
It’s a time when children learn critical, social, and emotional skills, and a relationship is built between the child, the teacher, and peers. When this is done successfully, it lays the groundwork for it to continue throughout the child’s education.
Right To Education
The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act or Right to Education Act (RTE) is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted on 4 August 2009, which describes the modalities of the importance of free and compulsory education for children between the ages of 6 to 14 years in India under Article 21A of the Indian Constitution.
India became one of 135 countries to make education a fundamental right of every child when the act came into force on 1 April 2010. The title of the RTE Act incorporates the words ‘free and compulsory.
‘Free education means that no child, other than a child who has been admitted by his or her parents to a school which is not supported by the appropriate Government, shall be liable to pay any kind of fee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary education.
‘Compulsory education’ casts an obligation on the appropriate Government and local authorities to provide and ensure admission, attendance, and completion of elementary education by all children in the 6-18 age groups.
With this, India has moved forward to a rights-based framework that casts a legal obligation on the Central and State Governments to implement this fundamental child right as enshrined in Article 21A of the Constitution, in accordance with the provisions of the RTE Act.
The objective of early childhood education is for the holistic development of a child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical needs in order to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing.
Child Education campaign
The enforcement of the RTE Act 2009 has been sluggish despite years of progress in the realization of children’s right to free and compulsory education. Still, India has a large number of children dropping out of school.
Eight million children as per IMRB Surveys, 2009 and 2014 have never stepped inside a school and millions are dropping out without basic schooling. This situation demands urgent actions to universalize access to free and compulsory schooling through child education campaigns.
The child’s right to education is also threatened by the marginalization and segregation that result from unregulated privatization in education.
Child Education NGO in India
India has many NGOs working for Education as their major field. The development sector has given a Corporate Social Responsibility guideline under the Companies Act 2013. Through this, NGOs and corporates joined together and work for the development of education in India. Credibility and potency have become essential features in the sector
Child Education in Covid-19
Due to lock-down millions of children from an underprivileged backgrounds in India lost their only opportunity to get educated. The students from low-income backgrounds did not have any resources to go online and study and due to financial constraints, a lot of students have also dropped out.
Online education has been a major expense on the pockets of parents of students from low-income backgrounds. These children in the future will circle back to poverty if they are not educated.
Ebendavid Charities On Child Education
Ebendavid Charities support children in different ways like providing free computer courses for government school children in rural areas. We also provide supplementary education with holistic life coaching through the child-mother welfare program. Through this, we provide after-school education and also guide the parent of the child in relationship building, health of the child, habitual behavior, etc.
Free Medical Camp in Rural Areas
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Free Medical Camp in Rural Areas
A free medical camp is a life-saving program with a motive to provide free clinical and medical treatment for people from underprivileged backgrounds by a mobile team with varieties of medical specialized services.
Health Infrastructure in Rural Areas to conduct Free Medical Camp
A healthy individual contributes to the maximum overall development and growth of a country. A developed health infrastructure also guarantees a country of strong and healthy manpower for the production of goods and services.
Health infrastructure includes advanced machines, specialist doctors, nurses, and other paramedical professionals and developed pharmaceutical industries.
What is Good Health?
Generally, it is difficult to describe exactly what good health means. However, few scholars evaluate good health by taking various signs like an infant and maternal mortality rate, nutrition level, life expectancy, and with the current data of communicable and non-communicable diseases.
Medical infrastructure in India
Healthcare has become one of India’s largest sectors, both in terms of revenue and employment. Healthcare comprises hospitals, medical devices, clinical trials, outsourcing, telemedicine, medical tourism, health insurance, and medical equipment.
The Indian healthcare sector is growing at a brisk pace due to its strengthening coverage, services, and increasing expenditure by public as well private players. Indian healthcare delivery system is categorized into two major components public and private.
The Government, i.e. public healthcare system, comprises limited secondary and tertiary care institutions in key cities and focuses on providing basic healthcare facilities in the form of primary healthcare centers (PHCs) in rural areas.
The private sector provides the majority of secondary, tertiary, and quaternary care institutions with a major concentration in metros and tier I and tier-II cities. India’s competitive advantage lies in its large pool of well-trained medical professionals.
Health Care infrastructure in Tamilnadu
The health care infrastructure in rural areas has been developed as a three-tier system as follows.
- Sub-center
- Primary Health Centre (PHC)
- Community Health Centre (CHC)
As the coronavirus pandemic spreads its footprint across India, the rural health infrastructure is increasingly coming under scrutiny in the backdrop of the largest internal migration of modern times.
Coronavirus started gradually expanding to rural areas soon after India declared the presence of covid-19 in the country in January. The situation has been exacerbated with the reverse migration and a shortfall of healthcare services and doctors in rural areas.
Medical infrastructure companies in India
The Healthcare industry in India comprises hospitals, medical devices, clinical trials, outsourcing, telemedicine, medical tourism, health insurance, and medical equipment. The industry is growing at a tremendous pace owing to its strengthening coverage, services, and increasing expenditure by public as well as private players.
Growing incidence of lifestyle diseases, rising demand for affordable healthcare delivery systems due to the increasing healthcare costs, technological advancements, the emergence of telemedicine, rapid health insurance penetration, and government initiatives like e-health together with tax benefits and incentives are driving the healthcare market in India.
India is a land full of opportunities for players in the medical devices industry. The country has also become one of the leading destinations for high-end diagnostic services with tremendous capital investment for advanced diagnostic facilities, thus catering to a greater proportion of the population.
Besides, Indian medical service consumers have become more conscious of their healthcare upkeep. The Indian healthcare sector is much diversified and is full of opportunities in every segment, which includes providers, payers, and medical technology.
With the increase in the competition, businesses are looking to explore the latest dynamics and trends which will have a positive impact on their business. The hospital industry in India is forecast to increase to Rs. 8.6 trillion (US$ 132.84 billion) by FY22 from Rs. 4 trillion (US$ 61.79 billion) in FY17 at a CAGR of 16–17%.
The Government of India is planning to increase public health spending to 2.5% of the country’s GDP by 2025. India’s competitive advantage also lies in the increased success rate of Indian companies in getting Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) approvals.
India also offers vast opportunities in R&D as well as medical tourism. To sum up, there are vast opportunities for investment in healthcare infrastructure in both urban and rural India.
Medical camps through Ebendavid Charities
Medical camps conducted by Ebendavid Charities provide free medical advice, medicine to the unfortunate people and refer them for specialized treatment or surgery whenever it is required. These camps make sure people are getting healthcare at the right time, and seeing the doctor early enough before a small health problem turns serious.
We join hands with various medical institutions and medical professionals driven by strong ethics of medicine who believe that it is the moral responsibility and obligation to treat each patient regardless of their income, race, or social status.
The main objective of our medical camp is to provide initial care to people in life-threatening conditions which reflects the unique strengths and goals of medical ethics. Other objectives are as stated below:
-Provide free and high-quality medical services for the poor population.
-Raise health awareness among the community and teach them to deal with communicable and no communicable.
-Register rare and severe cases and refer them to specialized centers.
–Evaluate the living conditions and determine the obstacles and challenges to work on solving their problems.
-Refer medical cases towards surgeries if required.
Medical Assistance is a program that has been started where free medicines have been provided and follow-ups to very sick patients, poor people who otherwise could not afford medical care. We have already supported 205 patients under this program.
One Best Skill Development Course for Housewives
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One Best Skill development course for housewives
Are you a Housewife and you don’t have sufficient skills to earn from home? Life after marriage is a commitment to get busier and it becomes difficult for women to handle their family along with their careers. One of the best Skill Development Courses is to learn Tailoring.
Hence Skill Development Course for housewives helps to support family and helps in Financial stability
skill development course for housewives
Sometimes, women sacrifice their professional careers for their families. But when they want to start their career back it is difficult for them due to the career gap.
If you are a housewife on the quest to restart your career, there are various job-oriented courses for housewives that you can choose from to explore diverse career opportunities.
Women Empowerment to help Housewives
Empowerment definitions entail people having the capability to make important decisions in their lives while also being able to act on them.
Empowerment and disempowerment are relative to the other at a previous time; as such, empowerment is a process rather than a product.
The concept of livelihood extends to include social and cultural means, i.e. “the command an individual, family, or other social group has over an income and/or bundles of resources that can be used or exchanged to satisfy its needs.
This may involve information, cultural knowledge, social networks, and legal rights as well as tools, land and other physical resources”.
Family, a group of persons united by the ties of marriage, blood, or adoption, constituting a single household and interacting with each other in their respective social positions, usually those of spouses, parents, children, and siblings.
Housewives earning from home have the advantages of being their boss, making decisions independently, and earning money with flexible hours. Housewives become financially independent so that the additional income also helps for future.
All needed is the Skill and Time management, also the preparedness to work hard. Thus, this helps in taking care of family and kids.
Women skill development program to Enhance their skills
Women in our society have different training needs than men since they are burdened with household chores and their off-spring responsibilities, moreover, at times contribute as subsistence farmers or low-paid laborers.
Despite India’s growing GDP at around 7% Female Labor Force Participation is going down i.e. 34% to 27%. Moreover, the female-male wage gap has also been stagnant at 50% (HDR, 2018).
Hence, Skill Development becomes a key to improving their household capacity, autonomy, and employability.
Income earning opportunities also enhances their sustainable livelihood and development in a long run.
Tailoring Skill Development
Clothing is one of the basic needs of human being people one becoming fashion conscious. With changes in fashion & style, the stitching of garments also changes.
Hence keeping in view the market demand and change in Fashion Technology, courses on Cutting, Tailoring & Dressmaking have been suitably designed in the structure of non-formal education. The beneficiaries are new literates and people with low education levels.
Besides in Indian tradition girls/women are expected to know tailoring to fulfill the basic stitching requirement at home.
Stitching garments at home is a money-saving device for the lower-middle-income group. Besides tailoring can be a vocation for self-employment for housewives.
Tailoring course benefits
After completing the course one can get employment in a garment manufacturing unit or get self-employed by opening a tailoring shop or working at home.
Free tailoring course
At Ebendavid Charities we provide FREE Tailoring Course for women in villages whose status is rated Below Poverty Line. We have a set Terms & Conditions for the Beneficiary to take admission for no cost as detailed below:-
1) Age limit for a woman should be between 18 to 50 years.
2)Total Duration of this Course is 6 Months (720 Hours). To qualify for certification minimum 80% attendance. Records are maintained at the center.
3) Every day 2 Hours class for 5 days in a week.
4) End of the course the student should submit an album to present their learning.
5) Certificate will be provided By Ebendavid Charities. Our Certificate is valid to get licensing to open a shop, can apply for a Free Sewing Machine under the State and Central Government of India.
6) After completing the course with the certificate many get placed in local garments and some buy the Sewing Machines to earn from home.
Is Tailoring hard to learn?
Learning any new skill can be challenging. The good news is that there are steps you can take to avoid some of the frustrations of the learning process!
Let’s Start with Why: Why do you want to learn how to sew? What do you want to accomplish? Think about what type of stitching you want to learn.
Do you want to design the dress that you saw on Pinterest? Or do you just want to sew dresses for your children or your husband? The single most important choice you can make at this point is deciding what kind of sewing you want to learn.
It’s also a good idea to consider whether you want to learn hand sewing or machine sewing. Hand-sewing can be easier because it is cheaper; you may only need to purchase a needle and a spool of thread to get started.
On the other hand, if you want to sew clothing, you probably need to learn how to operate a sewing machine.
Focus on the beginner anyone can learn how to sew a handkerchief (really, anyone can learn how to sew anything) but you shouldn’t take this on as your first sewing project! It’s best to start with a project that allows you to practice basic skills.
If you want to sew clothes, you will need to learn how to use a sewing pattern, how to cut out the pieces of your garment, and how to pin and sew the pieces together. Once you master these skills, you can sew as many handkerchiefs and dresses as you like!
- Is tailoring a good profession?
Yes, Tailoring is a good profession. All you have to do is find the right opportunity to develop your skill.
- Is tailoring easy to learn?
Yes, tailoring is easy to learn
The best way to learn stitching as a beginner is to get familiarized with the sewing tools and stitching machine, learn basic mending & try simple projects.
- tailoring course benefits
After completing the course one can get employment in a garment manufacturing unit or get self-employed by opening a tailoring shop or working at home.
- What are the minimum eligibility criteria to pursue a course in tailoring?
A person with a minimum education of schooling is eligible to attend the Tailoring course provided by Ebendavid Charities.
Best Prevention of Children from the third wave of Covid-19
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What is Covid-19?
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus which is a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2). Prevention of Children from the third wave of Covid-19 is important as this can spread from one individual to another through respiratory droplets.
These droplets are present in the air and you can catch the virus when you breathe, talk, cough and sneeze.
The first case of Covid-19 in India was reported on 30th January 2020 in 3 towns of Kerala. And the first case of Covid-19 in Tamil Nadu was reported on 7th March 2020.
Covid-19 lockdown in Tamil Nadu
On 13th May 2020, Tamil Nadu had reported (30,987 cases) which was the largest single-day spike and also became the fourth-highest number of Covid-19 confirmed cases in India after Maharashtra, Kerala, and Karnataka.
Lockdown in Kerala and other parts of the country were announced and went into action on 23rd March 2020 for Kerala and for the rest of the country, it was 25th March 2020.
Covid-19 lockdown in Chennai
After being the fourth-highest number of confirmed cases of Covid-19, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edapaddi K Palaniswami announced a complete lockdown for four days in Chennai, Coimbatore, and Madurai from 26th April 2020 to 29th April 2020 to control the spread of Covid-19 before going for full lockdown.
Covid-19 in Chennai today
Recently, Tamil Nadu has 16,221 active Covid–19 cases and has risen up amongst the districts as well with Coimbatore registered the highest number of active Covid-19 cases with 244 people testing positive followed by Chennai with 186 and Chengalpattu with 108 per day.
Tamil Nadu has seen a hike in new Covid-19 cases. On 23rd September 2021 Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin has announced that the lockdown on the State would be extended till 31st October 2021 in view of the spread of the virus during the pandemic.
Third wave of Covid-19 in India
According to the Chief of the Covid-19 working group, India has been experiencing 30,000-45000 cases of coronavirus infection every day for the past several weeks, primarily in Kerala, some northeastern states, and a few districts of Maharashtra.
A panel appointed by the central government, in its recent study has said that the third wave of Covid- 19 in India can witness 6 lakhs cases per day due to the festive season if the vaccination rate does not improve in the country.
In India, the festival season will begin from October to December resulting in socializing and celebrations. A high number of Covid-19 cases have been reported during such gatherings in the past two waves of Covid-19.
Covid-19 Prevention
“Prevention is better than cure” – Desiderius Erasmus, the Dutch philosopher had said and we all agree with it as well. By taking Covid-19 prevention, together we can stop the spread of Coronavirus. All we need to do is follow these basic Covid-19 prevention measures:-
- Wash your hands frequently after coming home from outside.
- Wash your hands with soap or use an alcohol-based sanitizer.
- Avoid touching your face, eyes, shaking hands with other or giving someone a hug.
- Stay away at least 1 meter apart from others and maintain social distancing
- Wear a properly fitted mask which covers your mouth and nose.
- Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
- If you feel unwell, stay home and self-isolate until you recover.
Covid-19 Symptoms
Before you fully develop Covid-19 symptoms, you are likely to carry the virus with you for 2 days or up to 2 weeks.
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are:-
- Fever
- Dry cough
- Tiredness or Fatigue
- Body ache
- Loss of taste
- Headache
- Sore throat
- Nausea or vomiting
- Red eyes
- Diarrhea, or a
- Skin rash
Covid-19 Awareness
As the number of COVID-19 cases is increasing rapidly and there is a high chance of a third wave which will majorly affect the children.
So, we at Ebendavid Charities started with an awareness drive by taking the responsibility of educating the children about the Covid-19 and the precautions that need to be taken by explaining the 6 best ways to protect themselves from Covid-19.
Around 30 children of the age group 8-14 years had gathered for this event and with the help of illustration, they were explained these 6 best ways to protect themselves from Covid-19 so that it’s easier for them to understand and bring it to practice.
Here are the 6 best ways to protect your child from Covid-19:
- Maintain physical distance and stay at home as much as possible, unless required.
- Always wear your face mask which should cover your mouth and nose when you are going outside. Children above two years of age can also wear a mask.
- Wash your hands with soap, or use a 70 per cent sanitizer, making sure the whole surface of the hands is covered. Remember not to touch your face, eyes, nose and mouth.
- Do not share your tea cups, utensils, food or drinks with others.
- Eat a healthy diet which has high nutritional value along with plenty of water.
- If any of the family members are affected by COVID-19 and there is no one to take care of the child then call on 1098 so that CHILDLINE can take care of the child.
By the end of the event, masks were distributed to every individual child. Covid-19 fever temperature range
Covid-19 fever temperature range
Fever is frequently cited as the most common symptom of COVID-19. A July 2020 study of 213 people with mild disease discovered that only 11.6 percent of them had a fever.
The temperature range for fever may vary as per the age during the times of Covid-19. Infants should have a rectal temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher.
Toddlers and children having a temperature of 102.2°F (39°C) or above while for adults, a fever temperature range of 103 F (39.4 C) or higher is a sign of serious illness of Covid-19 infection.
Covid-19 Prevention Home Remedies
If you have mild symptoms or few symptoms of Covid-19, then take Covid-19 home isolation treatment. This is the best and easiest way to cure yourself of Coronavirus with 14 days quarantine duration.
If you or someone else in your family has got Covid-19 symptoms then that person must use a separate room along with utensils and other necessary items.
This is important as it will prevent other family members from getting Covid-19 symptoms. As the immune system of Covid-19 patients is weak, it is important for them to get plenty of sleep which will help to support their immunity.
Wear a mask that covers your mouth and nose when speaking or in contact with the Covid-19 patient. Maintain at least a 2-meter distance with the Covid-19 patient.
If someone else washing the Covid-19 patient’s dishes, cups, or other utensils then advise them to wear gloves and wash them using hot water which will help prevent the spread of Covid-19 from one person to another.
Wash your hands after removing the gloves and then touch anything else.
Covid-19 Prevention in School classrooms
As schools reopen, it is critical to take necessary precautions and prevention measures to stop the spread of Covid-19 inside the classrooms.
- Wear mask on the face which covers mouth and nose
- Maintain a distance of at least 1 meter between everyone present at school
- Increase the desk space so that the children can follow social distancing
- Encourage students not to socialize in large groups after leaving the school grounds.
- Make posters on the five steps for hand washing which will encourage students to follow.
- If there is limited access to wash hands with soap in the school, then use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 per cent of alcohol.
- If students sneeze or cough into a tissue or into their elbow then instruct them to immediately wash their hands or use hand sanitizer.
Covid-19 prevention measures taken by Schools
Apart from students, the school needs to take even more preventive measures in the times of Covid-19.
Schools should daily be cleaning and disinfecting the surfaces and objects that are often touched like desks, doors, computer keyboards, hands-on learning items, taps, phones, and toys.
Covid-19 Helpline number Chennai
- CORONA ( COVID 19 ) HELPLINE : 011-23978046 OR 1075
- TAMIL NADU COVID 19 HELPLINE NUMBER : 044-29510500, 25615025, 28414513, 28593990
Sources / References:-
Why feed the hungry?
No matter how bad things become for people in developing countries, they have no idea what it’s like to be hungry, what feed the hungry is, after all. Undernourishment, malnutrition, and wasting are all signs of hunger. Undernourishment is the most common kind.
According to the World Food Programme, undernourishment happens when people do not consume enough calories to fulfill their body’s minimal physiological requirements. When someone is malnourished, they aren’t getting enough protein, calories, or micronutrients.
Kids can perish from common illnesses like measles or diarrhea if they are undernourished. When someone has lost a significant amount of weight while wasting, they suffer from acute malnutrition and are often starving or ill.
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What causes hungry?
It is an important question to ask to understand the issues seriously. Hunger is a complex issue that affects people both at home and abroad. The explanations are numerous, varied, and frequently intertwined.
The primary cause of hunger around the globe is deprivation. This condition of hunger is prevalent for both wealthy and underdeveloped nations. This is valid for both urban and rural residents.
Smallholder farmers in developing countries are the world’s most influential group of individuals living in severe poverty. They don’t have enough land to grow enough food to feed their families for a year, and what little money they get from selling it means they can’t afford to buy food from other sources when their supply runs out.
Poor infrastructure contributes to hunger by making it difficult, if not impossible, to deliver food to regions of a country where it is scarce. One section of a country has seen people starve to death even as another had enough supplies.
Because the roads were so bad, the food could not be delivered to everyone who needed it to survive. Water is required for the growth of crops.
Most developing country farmers cannot afford irrigation infrastructure. Hunger and malnutrition are exacerbated by inadequate water and sanitation facilities.
Effects of hunger
Effects of hunger can go a long way. We all know that nutritious meals are necessary for a healthy body and mind at any age.
Having nothing to eat at all or having too little food with a low nutritional content can significantly influence someone’s health. It is challenging to get out of the vicious cycle of inadequate nutrition and ill health once it’s started.
Hunger in Covid-19
Due to Covid-19, those poor children and families have gone through the worst conditions than us. I know you all would agree with me. They have eaten whatever food they got, these are the people who don’t care whether the food is nutritious or not.
For families whose income is low and are in poverty, them getting food is a big thing and they are not concerned about how will it affect their health and immune system.
How can we Feed the Hungry?
Ebendavid Charities thought of giving these poor children with nutritious food as they need to eat these nutrients which are chemical compounds that are used by the body to function properly and maintain health.
It is the process of taking in food and using it for growth, metabolism, and repair. This nutritious food in various ways likes to increase the height and healthy weight gain of the children who are at a growing age by making their muscles strong.
Why to Feed the Hungry?
As per the survey, in India, nearly about 3000 children die due to hunger daily, and over 20 crore people go to sleep empty-stomach every day, this is almost 14% of the total population in India.
Seeing the current scenario, we at Ebendavid Charities, a non-profit organization situated in Chennai, came up with “Feed the hungry Project” and are trying our best to at least reach out to 5000 children in and around Chennai to feed with One Time Meal, especially children of the age group 3-15 years. So help us to help them by being a part of this cause and our mission to eradicate poverty from India.
Where to Feed the Hungry?
Ebendavid Charities organized an event on 25th August 2021 at Kalaingar Nagar, Manali Village, Chennai, and provided children of laborers and below the poverty line with a food packet that contains rice, proteins, soya, vitamins, minerals, dried vegetables, and other essential nutrients.
Each packet weighs 1/2 kilogram and 2 packets were given to all the children out there. In total, we have given to 25 children, which would serve them up to 7 days but our mission is to reach 5000 children.
Let me ask you, did you feed the hungry and if not, don’t worry we have got the opportunity for you and all you need to do is contribute a small amount of Rs. 50 for a One Time Meal for one child.
How can we donate food to poor people?
We at Ebendavid Charities organize events to Feed the Hungry periodically, you can sponsor a meal for Rs.50. You can use the QR code to do the online payment.
You can sponsor any number of children. Also, you can spread the message on all your social media platforms like Feed the hungry on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linked In, WhatsApp and become a part of this cause by donating Rs 50/- only and stop the child from starving.
Together we can reduce poverty by feeding the Hungry and help our future generations to grow and live better lives.